Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, May 11, 2012

15 Months

Time is flying by, and we had Tessa's 15 month check-up last night.  I had to try and keep her entertained for a whole hour because the Dr.'s office was running really behind.  It was her bedtime, so she switched off between happy and melting the whole time.  After we talked with the Dr., we had to wait forever to get her shots.  She was laying on the ground with her eyes closed by the time the nurse came back. (I know, on the floor of the doctor's office...GROSS!  But she kept wiggling out of my arms.)  The shots woke her up for sure!  She only cried for about a minute, though.

Tessa's stats:
weight:  23 lbs, 11 oz.  -  puts her in the 80th percentile
height:  32 in.  -  puts her in the 90th percentile
head circumference:  19  -  puts her in the 90th percentile

Here's what Tessa's up to at 15 months...

  • still sleeping through the night like a champ
  • still usually takes a morning and afternoon nap and is starting to walk to her crib on her own and put her hands up
  • loves attention and will be happy and smiley if someone sits with her or talks to her in a store
  • is starting to throw some mean temper tantrums if she doesn't get her way!  classic cartoon type...throwing herself on the ground, kicking her feet and screaming, making the funniest pouty face where her lips completely turn upside down like a sad clown
  • starting to say some words (finally!) but I'm not sure others would actually be able to understand them....we just know what they sound like 
    • ball, baby, puppy/doggie, beppy (leopard), hi, bye, up, Wyee (Kyri)
  • understanding soooo much of what we say now.  Even though she can't say a whole lot, she is able to follow our commands and communicate what she wants through pointing (and believe me, she knows what she wants!!)
  • running instead of walking
  • dancing by moving her head side to side and puts her hands up in the air when music comes on
  • still screeching and squealing like a seagull all the time!
  • is constantly on the move
  • likes to get her hands on everything and then puts things in small little places...everyday's an Easter egg hunt around here
  • loves to eat!  When we can't get her to stop throwing a fit, a cup of snacks will always work.  
  • wants to do everything her big sister does
  • wearing 18 mos. clothes and size 4 shoes
  • makes us laugh all the time!  One of her favorite activities is hiding behind furniture and then popping out, saying "Peek!"
I took some videos tonight to show you our Tessa B in action...

She loved when I turned the camera on my phone around so she could see herself.  (I don't think she realized it was herself, though!  Haha)

I followed her around for a few minutes to give people an idea of how this girl never sits still.  (And to show the little investigator at work...nothing is safe when TB is around!)

Here is that sad face I was talking about.  Poor Tess was tired and I wouldn't put the video camera down.  So, she had to take me to her crib to show me she was ready for bed.


  1. What a cutie!! Love her to pieces - and hope she teaches Morgyn and Grady to WANT to go to sleep (cuz Aubry sure won't!!)
