Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 28, 2011

Recap of the Week

We started off by going over to Kyle's Uncle Keith and Aunt Terri's house (The other Terri Burritt...obviously she spells her name wrong.) They served us some delicious lunch and let us take over their house with toys and babies all day.

Here are the three littlest Burritt girls
(A whole lot of cheeks in this picture!)

Tess and Gwyneth are already sharing their toys...or fighting over them?

Cutie Pie Gwyneth

Lillian was on a mission to get that bottle!

Jordyn had some great plans for the older cousins.
She helped them make Halloween necklaces.
And Jordyn took them outside to run around and explore.

Charlie and Kyri were rearranging their decorations.
Kyri kept saying that all of the spooky stuff was just "silly".
I think that's her way of reassuring herself that they're not real.

Then they found some piles of leaves!

Hmmm...not sure Charlie was too happy about Kyri decorating her with leaves.

I love this pic. So sweet.

We had so much fun, it was hard to say goodbye.

I had to throw this pic of Kyri in from last year, because Tessa wore this same outfit this year.
Here she is.
It cracks me up how different their body shapes are! Although they're two years apart in age, they're only one year apart in clothes sizes!

On Thursday, Kyri had her Halloween party at preschool. She decided she wanted to be a T-Rex, so we found this funny costume that she fell in love with. Since I had to work, I wasn't able to go to the party, but I snuck in for the last ten minutes on my lunch break.

She looked so adorable doing the alphabet dance with her tail flopping all around!

Later that night, my school hosted a family literacy night, and we invited Sue's Therapy Dog Club to come and read with the kids. Kyri got to come with us, and she loved being in charge of passing out the stickers to anyone who visited our station.
Here she is with Aunt Susie and Rookie!

Lots of fun Halloween activities still to come this weekend. Can't wait!


  1. Great pics of ALL the girls! I can't believe how big the babies are!!!

    I LOVE that Kyri wanted to be a T-Rex. It is such a very fun costume!

  2. Of all costumes Kyri wanted to be a t-rex. I think thats awesome because its not the typical girl costume. Jessica must have been a princess like four years in a row. Thats all she ever wanted to be for halloween haha.
