Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

6 Months

Here is the 6 month update that people have been bugging me about! : ) She had her checkup today and did great. She was so happy there and only cried for a few seconds with each shot and then stopped once the nurse started talking to her.

Tessa has become the happiest baby, and she loves everyone. She lets anyone hold her (she went through a brief two week period when she was 4 months old where she wasn't sure of others, but not anymore!) and smiles as soon as someone looks at her. Everything cracks her up and her personality makes us crack up, too. I LOVE her silly giggle. She bursts into it at the most random times. Kyle and I are pretty sure Tessa is going to be the class clown because everything is funny to her. Even after her shots today, she's been in the best mood. Who is happy after shots?

Here is some more info about Tessa at 6 months...

-Weight: 17 lbs., 6 oz. 70th percentile
-Height: 26 1/2 in. 70th percentile
-Sits up on her own
-Rolls from back to front
- FINALLY rolls from front to back (this just started this week and when she's tired, she still cries for someone to come do it for her. When I told the dr. that it just started this week, he said it's probably because she's a bigger baby and it's hard for her to get all of her weight back over. Ha, thought that was funny. Poor girl!)
-Starting to get up on all fours and can army crawl to whatever she wants. When I leave her on a blanket and step away for two seconds, she is always off the blanket and in a completely different position when I get back. I don't know how she moves that fast!
-She naps twice a day. Usually around 9:00 and then again around 1:00. She starts on her back but always ends up sleeping on her belly throughout the night.
-Right now she eats 4 bottles a day, 8 oz each. And she eats one container of baby food a day. She likes all the green veggies. Next we'll try the orange ones.
-Her squeals are still often, but now she is experimenting with other syllables. Most commonly, "dadadadadabadabadabadaba". I love hearing her sweet little voice.
-Her arms never stop moving. She is always slapping them up and down and grabbing for anything in sight. She's a wild woman! We're going to have to keep an eye on her!

I can't believe Tessa B. is a half of a year old already!!!
Here are some cute pictures from an impromptu photo shoot today while Kyri was napping. Had to have some updated 6 month pictures!

Ozzie really wanted to be part of the shoot, too!

Here's a video of our TB in action.


  1. Ter! Those are awesome pictures...who needs professionals! A little rude that the dr. called her fat. ;) She's dang cute!

  2. Tessa is half a year old already, time flys to fast! I need to come over and visit again. I can come keep Kryi busy for a while. I'm sure she would love to play.
