Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1st Day of Summer Break!!!

School's...Out...For...Summer!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?? What perfect summer weather we are having for our first day off. We had the chance to play in the water this morning. It's nice this year because Kyri will play by herself better without demanding that I get in with her. I got to lay on the blanket with Tessa and relax under a tree. So peaceful. Hopefully the rest of our summer will go as great as our first day. Here are some pics...

Haven't had the chance to go bathing suit shopping, so here she is still wearing her 12 month suit. Ha! It actually looks like it fits her better now at 2 1/2! Maybe the shorts will actually stay up this year!

Just for old time's sake, here she was last year in the same suit.

Having a blast with all of her new summer toys.

Poor girl got my extremely white skin. : (

Tessa is getting stronger!
She can't stand tummy time, so this only lasted about a minute and a half.
But she looks happy for the moment!
After all of that hard work, this is how she looked a few minutes later.

If you look closely under Kyri's left eye, you can see she is starting to get freckles!

I actually caught a video of Tessa rolling over. She has only done it about 4 times in the last month, so I'm happy that I actually had the camera going this time! Just like Kyri, she does it the harder way...from back to front. Then when she gets to her belly she throws a fit! : )

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