Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010

18 mos.

Kyri had her 18 month check up yesterday, and the doctor said she is meeting all of her milestones and is healthy. Finally she gained some weight... 21 lbs. The last few checkups she was stuck at 19 lbs. So we were excited to hear about the gain (even if she was wearing all of her clothes, shoes, and holding a book this time). Her height is 31.75 inches.

I can't believe how grown up my little girl is these days. She thinks she's 18 years old instead of 18 mos. and she likes to be in charge! Everyday she cracks us up with a new saying or action. Her personality is definitely coming out, and she is getting more and more like her dad with organization (a.k.a. anal). If something is out of place, she has to fix it. Her favorite thing to do is clean up toys and put them where they go. I guess this is a good thing!

Now that I'm off for the summer I am able to take Kyri to some park district classes. We had our first one today - Tot Rock. She kept clapping to the music the whole time and was very helpful whenever it was time to put something away. We also went to the library this evening for story time for the first time. She was able to pay attention to both stories, but she kept wanting to go up and point to the pictures while the lady was reading. Normally Kyri is really shy around new people, but at both events today she was participating and outgoing. I think having other kids around makes her feel more comfortable. It made me happy to see her being herself in public rather than going into her shell.

I didn't get any pictures, but I have a quick video of the end of the Tot Rock class...

1 comment:

  1. I like the end of the video when she just darts off out of no where, funny =]
